Bamboo and recycled plastic toothbrushes
Firstly thank you for the love. After my last blogpost I was touched to receive so many messages and comments of love, encouragement and thanks for being honest. I'm glad I could help those who needed it, including myself. Now onward... Lately I have been thrilled to see so many people on my various social media feeds that are promoting the use of either reusable plastics, non-plastic alternatives or articles relating to the environmental damage plastic causes or the shock articles (which seem to be working) with turtles eating plastic in our oceans etc. I'm thrilled because the awareness is out there. I'd like to say it's all down to me but I've a feeling that its a combination two things: 1. the Blue Planet effect and 2. people are finally starting to listen to those environmentalists who have been shouting this at us for years. Well 3 if you include my campaign ;-) A recycled plastic toothbrush that’s also recyclable. (Picture from Bioseptyl website) Suddenly I...