Letter to Santa

Dear Santa/ Father Christmas/ Pére Nöel/ Saint Nic/ Holly King, I know I Don't usually write to you but this year is special. I have been a faithful elf in your service for many years now and all I ask in return is one thing: I would love to spend Christmas with my family in the UK. I would love to hug my parents and sister. I would love to tell my nieces and nephews how much they've grown. I would love to see our kids play with their family. When we decided to move abroad one thing we knew we were sacrificing was contact with family. Sure we speak to them on the phone and regularly on whatsapp etc but there's nothing quite like seeing someone you love in person. One of our concerns, Santa, was that our parents are getting older. We knew Japan was far but given the deal my husband got from his employer we thought getting flights 'home' wouldn't be an issue. Little did we know, when we chose to remain in Japan for Christmas last year, that a pandemic was about to...