
Showing posts from January, 2017

My dark cloud

This is possibly the most difficult blog post I've ever written. It's something exceptionally personal which means leaving part of my soul bare in the internet for all to see. So why write it? Well, for me, writing it is part of my medicine and I believe sharing can really, really help. It will not only help me but (I hope) it will help others too- help others know they're not alone and help others understand the murky waters I swim every day. I suffer with depression. I hate using the word 'suffer' as I feel like a victim every time I use it. But in truth it's not just me that suffers- it's everyone around me, from the dogs right up to my husband and friends. Now this is a world away from my normal blog post but the words have been wriggling around in my brain for some time now. Today they have finally wriggled free, through my hand, into my pen and on to my page, then the iPad. Despite the increase in media coverage, promises from government and more openn...

Change is gonna come

That sentence always gets that old song in my head "I was born by a river, in a little tent. And just like that river, I've been running everywhere since".  Sounds like me on a Wednesday! Seriously now our family is in need of a change. That niggling feeling has been following us around for sometime and finally we have given in. Change is definitely in the air. I'm sure some would say adding another child to a family would be change enough but sometimes the change is geographical even if it's just a couple of streets. We currently are looking at two choices regarding housing and location and I'm not at liberty to disclose either but I can tell you it feels good. Just planning to move, even if we stay put for a few months whilst we iron out the kinks, feels good. You'd think that the uncertainty would drive us mad but at the moment it's quite nice because it's new. It's excited uncertainty, surrounded by the comfort of familiar things. An uncert...

Welcome 2017

Isn't this wheel of the year picture beautiful. I found it via google so lay no claim to it whatsoever. I simply wanted to share its beauty! Twice!! It's seems a very bloggy thing to do on New Year's Day to either reminisce about the old year or set resolutions for the new one. So I'm jumping on that particular train and doing so too, partly because if I write them down on a public domain I'll feel more like sticking to them than pretending I said no such thing. To be honest I don't really do resolutions. I set aims and this is something I try and do throughout the year. Two sides of me battle with this: the Yoda side who says "Do or do not. There is no try" and the other slightly more realistic "there's only one of me to spread thinly so that won't matter today" side. Read more and write more  Look at these great books I got for Christmas!  I want to read them all and all the crochet magazines I get and the blogs I like. Last year I...