My dark cloud
This is possibly the most difficult blog post I've ever written. It's something exceptionally personal which means leaving part of my soul bare in the internet for all to see. So why write it? Well, for me, writing it is part of my medicine and I believe sharing can really, really help. It will not only help me but (I hope) it will help others too- help others know they're not alone and help others understand the murky waters I swim every day. I suffer with depression. I hate using the word 'suffer' as I feel like a victim every time I use it. But in truth it's not just me that suffers- it's everyone around me, from the dogs right up to my husband and friends. Now this is a world away from my normal blog post but the words have been wriggling around in my brain for some time now. Today they have finally wriggled free, through my hand, into my pen and on to my page, then the iPad. Despite the increase in media coverage, promises from government and more openn...