Like a hot child next to a cool swimming pool I'm going to dive right in: we're moving to France! A little while ago I blogged about change gonna come and it's taken ages to finalise but it's now official. I'm excited and terrified. Last year we visited France on holiday and loved it. Ever since the referendum we've been talking about how the time for such an adventure is now, whilst it's easier to move within the EU but also the kids are the right age. If we leave it later it'll be difficult as the kids will be near the end of primary school. My head is realing with lists of what to do, who to phone, what memberships to cancel. I mean, what do I do with the points on my Boots card?! Should I worry about buying the right suncream for my sensitive skinned children? I know France is a civilised country and has suncream so surely worries like that are ridiculous. Then there's the biggie: the language difference. I can speak some French, enough to order...