Carpe diem
It's real and now there is no backing out. We've said goodbye to good friends and our family and friends who are like family. There have been tears of anxiety and sadness and also the smiles and giddiness of excitement of things yet to come. We've had an awesome farewell party, given away plants and toys and been ruthless in our sorting of the house. The ferry is booked and our new house lease signed. In one day's time we will no longer be resident in the U.K. Our friends won't be just around the corner and our family won't be less than two hours away. In amidst all the goodbyes and endings it can be hard to see the reasons we're doing it. We've built an amazing life here in the city of Bristol and this is my little farewell to all those people and places that have made this our home. We want to say thank you. Thank you to the many people who have taken us into their hearts, thank you for being sorry to see us go! Although this has made it harder to say ...