
Showing posts from January, 2018

Happy thoughts

I am fed up of illness in our household! I knew we'd be affected by all these new germs what with the kids starting another new school earlier this month but I'd like one week where someone isn't home sick or in pain. Merida stayed home with laryngitis all last week. A couple of times we weren't sure if we should have pushed her out the door and demanded she go to school, but after she fell back to sleep on both days for at least 3 or 4 hours we knew she still wasn't right. Now it's little Rose's turn. She's like her mum and not good or patient with being ill. She was up every hour in the night so this morning's alarm clock ringing was a bit of a shocker. Poor Frank trudged off to work looking so tired, but he reassures me they have nice coffee at work so at least he'll survive the day...if be a little high on caffeine when he gets home. And then there's Finn. Good old Finn who gets on with stuff in a happy way he so often gets ignored. Latel...

Chocolate, peanut and banana flapjacks

It's been a funny few days in the Yarn household. Firstly Finn tested the hospital nearby when he needed stitches after a playground injury. He's now all healed and back to his normal lunatic-self, running around at full speed having still not learnt to look where he's going! Rose is potty training so the washing is increasing and the sticker charts are filling up nicely. Poor old Merida has laryngitis and is feeling rubbish. She's completely lost her voice and is using a whistle to call when she needs something. So after two days of being home with a potty training toddler and sick ten year old (when I'm supposed to be running errands and attending a crochet workshop) I decided to bake. What else do you do when you have to stick a toddler on the toilet every five minutes and attend to the needs of the whistle-blowing girl? So all morning it's been measure this ingredient, take apron off to help Rose on the potty, put apron back on and hopefully measure the next...

Merida’s mermaid tail

Hello all and how has your week been? It's been eventful in the Yarn household so we are all exhausted (I feel like I always say how tired we are!). Firstly the big kids started a new school. We moved them to the local village school as we felt they would get on better there. So we returned to France from the UK only to go straight in to school preparation mode. I had to make sure we'd done all the forms and the kids had the right stationary etc etc. Then, only one day after starting a new school, it was Merida's 10th birthday so the Christmas/celebration-phase couldn't abate just yet. She asked to keep the fairy lights up so we happily obliged and actually had a really good day at school. She's at the age where she isn't shy telling people it's her birthday and because of this the teacher wrote "Bon Anniversaire" on the board and they all sang 'Happy Birthday' to her in English and French in the canteen over lunch. What a lovely school we...

Driving Miss Octopus

Well hello and a Happy New year to you all. I had wanted to write this post a few days ago but I've had difficulty getting going since we've been back home in France. We are all still recovering from the long drive through France...well, the long drive both ways and driving lots when back in the U.K. All-in-all we drove over 2,500 miles! Sheesh no wonder we were tired. Since we've returned the big kids have started a new school and it's been Merida's birthday. All have gone fantastically well but it has meant that Frank and I haven't stopped long enough to recover yet. But that is what this coming weekend is for. [caption id="attachment_1621" align="alignright" width="493"] Playing in the waves[/caption] We had a lovely Christmas and New Year and managed to see everyone we had planned to and we even sneaked in a bit of relaxation time in front of my parent's fire, next to their gorgeous Christmas tree. Not much relaxation time ...