Happy thoughts
I am fed up of illness in our household! I knew we'd be affected by all these new germs what with the kids starting another new school earlier this month but I'd like one week where someone isn't home sick or in pain. Merida stayed home with laryngitis all last week. A couple of times we weren't sure if we should have pushed her out the door and demanded she go to school, but after she fell back to sleep on both days for at least 3 or 4 hours we knew she still wasn't right. Now it's little Rose's turn. She's like her mum and not good or patient with being ill. She was up every hour in the night so this morning's alarm clock ringing was a bit of a shocker. Poor Frank trudged off to work looking so tired, but he reassures me they have nice coffee at work so at least he'll survive the day...if be a little high on caffeine when he gets home. And then there's Finn. Good old Finn who gets on with stuff in a happy way he so often gets ignored. Latel...