Thank crochet it’s Friday
Yesterday I felt miserable. In fact all week has been hard. My older kids have had half term holidays and of course that’s when a bad bout of pain decided to strike. They have wanted some entertaining but also chill time. A friend took them one day, they played with the youngest another but for some of the time I had to get myself moving and that wasn’t easy. Sometimes it’s just willpower. Sometimes it’s willpower combined with painkillers. I saw a quote yesterday from someone on a chronic illness page that summed it up: “You don’t know how strong you are until you need to be.” That feels so true. My husband has recently been promoted which is absolutely awesome and 100% deserved. This means he has more responsibility and some days has long hours. He tries to come home at a reasonable time but it’s not always possible. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, eh? Due to this I’ve tried to be even stronger than usual. I want him to have the head-space he needs for his new job. I want him...