When the petals fall

A lot of people seem to be very productive during this lockdown period. Whilst I think “good on you” I also think “how?!”. I can barely manage to get through a day before falling into bed. Making it up the stairs for that last time is sometimes so hard. Sometimes I find it best to remind myself of what I’ve achieved during the day. At the moment that can be as simple as ‘got everyone fed and in bed at a good time.’ But on days when I’ve pushed the boat out (mainly thanks to excessive coffee drinking) I find it best to remember that I’ve achieved a little more so that in future days I can look back and see what I’ve done. So here’s what I’ve managed above and beyond the call of housewife, mother, homeschool (online co-ordinating) teacher, friend, sister, daughter and juggler extraordinaire.

I made Easter baskets for the kids!

Simple but effective. And the kids loved the little goodies hunt around our garden.

We’ve got out on lots of walks and really explored our river this season.

And played with how many petals you can get to stick on an umbrella.

And I’ve made cornbread for the first time. Being gluten-free can be really tricky at times but I’m doing my best to stick to it despite my massive cravings for take away pizza! This cornbread was gorgeous in the evening with the casserole and gorgeous for breakfast with chocolate spread or jam. Everyone loved it. I’ve been told (not asked, told) to make it again. Plus it was good either pan-fried or oven-baked in a muffin tin.

Yes it’s a weird time. Yes, a state of emergency doesn’t seem to mean quite the same thing here as it does elsewhere. Yes, I’m worried. Yes, I’ve had a panic attack this week in the supermarket. Yes, I’m not the only one. Yes, it’s ok to be exhausted. Yes, it’s ok to do nothing. Yes, it’s ok to be incredibly productive. Yes, it’s ok to flit  between the two. Yes, it’s ok to have an excessive phone bill at the end of all this. Yes, it’s ok to be confused. Yes, it’s ok for the kids to fall slightly behind in school work - they will catch up. And yes, the hamster appears to have put herself in lockdown too! 

But various things help us remember ourselves, such as this article is great which reminds us to take care of ourselves.
Friends have been an amazing source of comfort.
Both the kid’s schools have been brilliant.
The family has been there whenever I’ve needed.
The kids are brilliant at hugs on demand (as are their parents).
And of course there is my lovely husband. He has been so supportive and in a time that’s turmoil for him too.

Oh and I guess that I achieved one more thing too: this blog post.

Right, I’m off to make that final climb up those difficult stairs.
