So what happens now?
Hi all, Firstly a huge thanks to everyone who sent me lovely messages after my post last week. I received so much love from friends and family and strangers alike. What lovely folk you all are! So many people I’ve seen this week have asked how I am and they genuinely mean it, it’s not just a greeting. Also, some people mentioned they had no idea how bad endometriosis can be so I’m glad to enlighten them. Spread the word people. It’s one of many ‘invisible illnesses’ that greatly impact people’s lives. Although I have to say I don’t like the term ‘invisible illness’. I think we all just need to look harder at the smiles that are warn like masks and start to see these illnesses which are so widespread you’ll see many people today who have them. A comment on my Facebook page left this article . It is a very enlightening read concerning the male bias on medical research and teachings, even today. One quote from a medical professional that I couldn’t quite believe I was reading was ...